MS9001E gas turbine consists mainly of air inlet system, compressor, combustor, turbine, exhaust system, accessory system and control system, etc.
Air enters compressor through the inlet air filters and silencers. The compressed air then, gets into combustors and mixed with fuel, which is ejected by fuel nozzles in the combustors. The fuel and compressed air are burned to produce high-pressure and high-temperature gas, and then the gas expands in turbine to generate power. After expansion, it exhausts to atmosphere through exhaust system (or to HRSG)
Gas-Steam Combined Cycle
Gas turbine can be operated both in simple cycle and in combined cycle. In the first, the expanded gas with higher temperature is exhausted to atmosphere directly, while in combined cycle, the exhausted gas will get into HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) to produce steam, then enters a steam turbine for generating power and/or cogeneration. Arrangements for combined cycle are S109E and S209E. S109E consists of one M9001E gas turbine, one HRSG and one steam turbine. S209E consists of two MS9001E, tow HRSG and one steam turbine.
Gas-steam combined cycle has many advantages, mainly as follows:
1) It is clean power plant without ash and little pollution. Good environment can be got.
2) High thermal efficiency. The efficiency of S109E plant can be 50% above.
3) Less installation area.
4) Less tap water. Usually, water flow is one of third for steam turbine power plant with same output.
5) Operation is flexible. Start or shutdown is fast. It can be used for base or peak load.
6) Short construction period and quick repayment.
7) High automation and less staff.
8) Fuel variability such as natural gas, distillate oil and heavy oil.
9) Economic investment.
In order to meet the different customers?бе requirements on steam turbine generating sets in combined cycle plant, we have developed 60MW and 135MW steam turbine generators which 60MW steam turbine generator is used for S109E gas-steam combined cycle. These units could satisfy different customers with different requirements on combined cycle power plant or cogeneration power plant.
t is a pedestal 3-phase synchronous generator. The insulation for both stator and rotor is F class. Exciter is brushless exciting and is equipped with a high accuracy AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator).So that the power factor and voltage can be controlled, adjusted and protected.
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